What is Posterior Ankle Impingement?
Pain at the back of the ankle.
What does it feel like?
Pain on rise and when pointing either on the inside or the outside at the back of the ankle joint. You may also feel a pinching sensation or locking.
What could it be?
Posterior impingement is a generalised term where multiple structures could be the cause of pain including:
Inflammation of the tendons at the back of the ankle
Os Trigonum, a bony enlargement at the back of the talus
Poor technique/lack of strength resulting in compression of the joint capsule and soft tissues.
What causes it?
Overuse, weakness and/or structural depending on reasons listed above.
How is it treated?
Relative rest & load management
Calf and Intrinsic muscle strengthening
Technique Optimisation.
In few cases, a course of anti-inflammatories or cortisone injection may be needed to settle the inflammation.
Ensure you are properly assessed by a physiotherapist to develop a suitable management plan.